Source code for pytrial.model_utils.bert

Provide an easy-to-access to all pretrained BERT-like models based on transformers@huggingface
cuz many models use pretrained bert embeddings.
import pdb

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer
from tqdm.autonotebook import trange

[docs]class BERT(nn.Module): ''' The pretrained BERT model for getting text embeddings. Parameters ---------- bertname: str (default='emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT') The name of pretrained bert to get from huggingface models hub: Or pass the dir where the local pretrained bert is available. proj_dim: int or None A linear projection head added on top of the bert encoder. Note that if given, the projection head is RANDOMLY initialized and needs further training. max_length: int Maximum acceptable number of tokens for each sentence. device: str The device of this model, typically be 'cpu' or 'cuda:0'. Examples -------- >>> model = BERT() >>> emb = model.encode('The goal of life is comfort.') >>> print(emb.shape) ''' is_train=None def __init__(self, bertname='emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT', proj_dim=None, max_length=512, device='cpu'): super().__init__() self.projection_head = None self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(bertname, output_hidden_states=True) self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(bertname) self.tokenizer.__dict__['model_max_length'] = max_length if proj_dim is not None: self.projection_head = nn.Linear(768, proj_dim, bias=False) self.device = device
[docs] def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask=None, token_type_ids=None, return_hidden_states=False): ''' Forward pass of the model. Parameters ---------- input_ids: torch.Tensor The input token ids with shape [batch_size, seq_len]. attention_mask: torch.Tensor The attention mask with shape [batch_size, seq_len]. token_type_ids: torch.Tensor The token type ids with shape [batch_size, seq_len]. return_hidden_states: bool Whether to return the hidden states of all layers. ''' output = self.model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, return_dict=True) if not return_hidden_states: embed = output['pooler_output'] if self.projection_head is not None: embed = self.projection_head(embed) return embed else: hidden_states = output['hidden_states'] # input embeds+12 layers, 13 embeds in total return hidden_states
[docs] def encode(self, input_text, is_train=False, batch_size=None): ''' Encode the input texts into embeddings. Parameters ---------- input_text: str or list[str] A sentence or a list of sentences to be encoded. is_train: bool Set True if this model's parameters will update by learning. batch_size: int How large batch size to use when encoding long documents with many sentences. When set `None`, will encode all sentences at once. Returns ------- outputs: torch.Tensor The encoded sentence embeddings with size [num_sent, emb_dim] ''' self.is_train = is_train if batch_size is not None: # smart batching all_embeddings = [] sentences_sorted, length_sorted_idx = self._smart_batching(input_text) for start_index in trange(0, len(input_text), batch_size, desc=f'BERT encoding total samples {len(input_text)}'): sentences_batch = sentences_sorted[start_index:start_index+batch_size] embs = self._encode_batch(sentences_batch) all_embeddings.extend(embs) all_embeddings = [all_embeddings[idx] for idx in np.argsort(length_sorted_idx)] return torch.stack(all_embeddings) else: return self._encode_batch(input_text)
def _encode_batch(self, input_text): inputs = self.tokenizer(input_text, truncation=True, padding=True, return_tensors='pt') inputs = self._to_device(inputs) if not self.is_train: with torch.no_grad(): outputs = self.forward(**inputs) else: outputs = self.forward(**inputs) return outputs def _smart_batching(self, input_text): length_sorted_idx = np.argsort([-len(sen) for sen in input_text]) sentences_sorted = [input_text[idx] for idx in length_sorted_idx] return sentences_sorted, length_sorted_idx def _to_device(self, inputs): for k,v in inputs.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): inputs[k] = return inputs
if __name__ == '__main__': bert = BERT() emb = bert.encode(['asdadasdas', 'asdasdawqeqw']) print(emb.shape)