Source code for pytrial.model_utils.icd

Provide a series of tools for ICD-9/10 codes.
(1) extract ICD codes given string terms.
(2) get parental and children nodes for ICD-9 codes.
import requests
import os
import json
import wget
import pdb

import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx

NIH_API_PREFIX_ICD10 = ',name&terms='
NIH_API_PREFIX_ICD9_DX = ',long_name&terms='
NIH_API_PREFIX_ICD9_SG = ',long_name&terms='
NIH_API_PREFIX_ICD10_CONDITION = ',primary_name&terms='
ICD9_SG_URL = ''
ICD9_DX_URL = ''

[docs]def get_icd10_from_nih(term): ''' Query related ICD-10 codes for input terms. Parameters ---------- term: str or list[str] Disease names or a list of disease names. Returns ------- Outputs ICD codes: list[str] or list[list[str]] ''' if isinstance(term, str): terms = [term] else: terms = term outputs = [] for term_ in terms: url = NIH_API_PREFIX_ICD10 + term_ response = requests.get(url) text = response.text if text == '[0,[],null,[]]': outputs.append(None) continue text = text[1:-1] idx1 = text.find('[') idx2 = text.find(']') codes = text[idx1+1:idx2].split(',') codes = [i[1:-1] for i in codes] outputs.append(codes) if isinstance(term, str): outputs = outputs[0] return outputs
[docs]def get_icd9dx_from_nih(term): ''' Query related ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for input terms. Parameters ---------- term: str or list[str] Disease names or a list of disease names. Returns ------- Outputs ICD codes: list[str] or list[list[str]] ''' if isinstance(term, str): terms = [term] else: terms = term outputs = [] for term_ in terms: url = NIH_API_PREFIX_ICD9_DX + term_ response = requests.get(url) text = response.text if text == '[0,[],null,[]]': outputs.append(None) continue text = text[1:-1] idx1 = text.find('[') idx2 = text.find(']') codes = text[idx1+1:idx2].split(',') codes = [i[1:-1] for i in codes] outputs.append(codes) if isinstance(term, str): outputs = outputs[0] return outputs
[docs]def get_icd9sg_from_nih(term): ''' Query related ICD-9-CM procedure codes for input terms. Parameters ---------- term: str or list[str] Disease names or a list of disease names. Returns ------- Outputs ICD codes: list[str] or list[list[str]] ''' if isinstance(term, str): terms = [term] else: terms = term outputs = [] for term_ in terms: url = NIH_API_PREFIX_ICD9_SG + term_ response = requests.get(url) text = response.text if text == '[0,[],null,[]]': outputs.append(None) continue text = text[1:-1] idx1 = text.find('[') idx2 = text.find(']') codes = text[idx1+1:idx2].split(',') codes = [i[1:-1] for i in codes] outputs.append(codes) if isinstance(term, str): outputs = outputs[0] return outputs
[docs]def get_condition_synonym_from_nih(term): ''' Query relevant medical conditions taking input symptoms/diseases using API: Parameters ---------- term: str or list[str] Disease names or a list of disease names. Returns ------- Outputs ICD codes: list[str] or list[list[str]] ''' if isinstance(term, str): terms = [term] else: terms = term outputs = [] for term_ in terms: url = NIH_API_PREFIX_ICD9_CONDITION + term_ response = requests.get(url) text = response.text if text == '[0,[],null,[]]': outputs.append(None) continue text = text[1:-1] idx1 = text.find('[') idx2 = text.find(']') text = text[idx2+1:] idx1 = text.find('[') names = text[idx1+1:-1].split(',') names = [n[2:-2].lower() for n in names] outputs.append(names) if isinstance(term, str): outputs = outputs[0] return outputs
class ICDGraphBase: ''' The base class for ICD9/10 graph. ''' def __init__(self, filename): hierarchy = json.loads(open(filename, 'r').read()) self.graph = nx.readwrite.json_graph.tree_graph( hierarchy['tree'], attrs={'id':'id', 'children':'children', 'description':'description'} ) def children(self, code): '''Return children nodes of code. Returns ------- children: list[dict] The children codes and their descriptions. ''' code = code.replace('.','') node_list = list(self.graph.successors(code)) return_list = [] for node in node_list: return_list.append(self.__getitem__(node)) return return_list def parent(self, code): '''Return the parent node of code. Returns ------- parent: dict The parent code and its descriptions. ''' code = code.replace('.','') node_list = list(self.graph.predecessors(code)) return_list = [] for node in node_list: return_list.append(self.__getitem__(node)) return return_list[0] def siblings(self, code): '''Return sibling nodes of code. Returns ------- siblings: list[dict] The sibling codes and their descriptions. ''' code = code.replace('.', '') parentnode = self.parent(code)['code'] return self.children(parentnode) @property def nodes(self): return self.graph.nodes @property def edges(self): return self.graph.edges @property def nxgraph(self): return self.graph def __getitem__(self, code): '''Return the description dict of the codes. ''' code = code.replace('.','') return_dict = self.graph.nodes()[code] return_dict['code'] = code return return_dict
[docs]class ICD9Graph(ICDGraphBase): ''' Get an ICD-9 knowledge graph to query parental and children nodes for each code. Returns ------- self.graph: nx.DiGraph The hierarchy of ICD codes stored as graph in networkx. list[str] All the unique codes. ''' def __init__(self, input_dir=None): if input_dir is None: input_dir = './resources/icd9' if not os.path.exists(input_dir): os.makedirs(input_dir) # download the ICD9 hierarchy, input_dir) filename = os.path.join(input_dir, 'icd-9-hierarchy.json') super().__init__(filename)
[docs]class ICD10Graph(ICDGraphBase): ''' Get an ICD-10 knowledge graph to query parental and children nodes for each code. Parameters ---------- input_dir: str The dir that stores the hierarchy files. version: {'2022', '2021','2020','2019'} The version of ICD-10 codes. Returns ------- self.graph: nx.DiGraph The hierarchy of ICD codes stored as graph in networkx. list[str] All the unique codes. ''' def __init__(self, input_dir=None, version='2021'): if input_dir is None: input_dir = './resources/icd10' if not os.path.exists(input_dir): os.makedirs(input_dir) # download the ICD10 hierarchy url = f'{version}-hierarchy.json', input_dir) filename = os.path.join(input_dir, f'icd-10-{version}-hierarchy.json') super().__init__(filename)
[docs]class ICD9_DX_VOC: ''' Get a vocabulary containing the mapping of ICD9 Diagnosis code and its names. Parameters ---------- input_dir: str The dir that stores ICD9-dx file. ''' def __init__(self, input_dir='./resources') -> None: url = ICD9_DX_URL filename = os.path.join(input_dir, 'CMS32_DESC_LONG_SHORT_DX.xlsx') if not os.path.exists(filename): # download to disk, out=filename) self.df = pd.read_excel(filename, dtype={'DIAGNOSIS CODE':str}) def __getitem__(self, code): index = self.df['DIAGNOSIS CODE'].isin([code]) sum_index = index.sum() if sum_index == 0: return None else: return self.df[index]['LONG DESCRIPTION'].tolist()[0]
[docs] def code2desc(self, code): ''' Get description of codes. Parameters ---------- code: str or List[str] The input icd code or list of codes. ''' if isinstance(code, str): code = [code] res = [] for code_ in code: res.append(self.__getitem__(code_)) if len(res) == 1: return res[0] else: return res
[docs]class ICD9_SG_VOC: ''' Get a vocabulary containing the mapping of ICD9 procedure code and its names. Parameters ---------- input_dir: str The dir that stores ICD9-sg file. ''' def __init__(self, input_dir='./resources') -> None: url = ICD9_SG_URL filename = os.path.join(input_dir, 'CMS32_DESC_LONG_SHORT_SG.xlsx') if not os.path.exists(filename): # download to disk, out=filename) self.df = pd.read_excel(filename, dtype={'PROCEDURE CODE':str}) def __getitem__(self, code): index = self.df['PROCEDURE CODE'].isin([code]) sum_index = index.sum() if sum_index == 0: return None else: return self.df[index]['LONG DESCRIPTION'].tolist()[0]
[docs] def code2desc(self, code): ''' Get description of codes. Parameters ---------- code: str or List[str] The input icd code or list of codes. ''' if isinstance(code, str): code = [code] res = [] for code_ in code: res.append(self.__getitem__(code_, 'LONG DESCRIPTION')) if len(res) == 1: return res[0] else: return res
if __name__ == '__main__': # graph = ICD9Graph('./resources') # graph = ICD10Graph('./resources') # print(get_icd10_from_nih(["lung neoplasm", "breast"])) # print(get_icd9dx_from_nih(["lung neoplasm", "breast"])) # print(get_icd9sg_from_nih(["lung neoplasm", "breast"])) # print(get_condition_synonym_from_nih(['gastroenteri','salmonella'])) pass