Source code for pytrial.model_utils.drug

Provide a series of tools for getting drug mappings, e.g., name to SMILES string,
drug-DDI matrix, drug ndc - rxcui - atc4 codes, drug cid-atc codes.
import json
import wget
import os
import requests
import re
import pdb
import zipfile
import gzip

import networkx as nx
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..utils.tabular_utils import read_csv_to_df, read_txt_to_df, read_excel_to_df
from ..utils.check import make_dir_if_not_exist

# ATC5_NDC_URL = ''
# ATC_DEF_URL = ''

[docs]class DrugTransformer: ''' Provide a series of drug-related functions for (1) drug name to atc / atc to drug name (2) drug name to ndc-11 / ndc-11 to drug name (3) drug name to smiles (molecule structure) (4) atc to smiles (5) ndc-11 to smiles (6) ndc-11 to atc / atc to ndc To convert ndc-10 ditis to ndc-11, use `convert_ndc10_ndc11`. ''' def __init__(self): # initialize using several preprocessed files self._build_ndc_rxcui_atc_map() self._build_ndc_name_map() self._build_name_smiles() self._build_atc_name() self._build_atc_ndc_smiles()
[docs] def ndc2atc(self, code): ''' Parameters ---------- code: str or list[str] NDC-11 codes. Returns ------- atc codes: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] ''' df = self.rxcui_atc4_ndc11 single_input = isinstance(code, str) if single_input: code = [code] outputs = [] for c in code: df_sub = df[df['ndc11']==c] if len(df_sub) == 0: outputs.append(None) else: outputs.append(df_sub['atc4'].tolist()) if single_input: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs] def atc2ndc(self, code): ''' Parameters ---------- code: str or list[str] ATC-4 codes. Returns ------- NDC-11 codes: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] ''' df = self.rxcui_atc4_ndc11 single_input = isinstance(code, str) if single_input: code = [code] outputs = [] for c in code: df_sub = df[df['atc4']==c] if len(df_sub) == 0: outputs.append(None) else: outputs.append(df_sub['ndc11'].tolist()) if single_input: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs] def name2ndc(self, name): ''' Parameters ---------- name: str or list[str] Drug names. Returns ------- ndc codes: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] ''' df = self.ndc11_name single_input = isinstance(name, str) if single_input: name = [name] outputs = [] for c in name: df_sub = df[df['drug']==c.lower()] if len(df_sub) == 0: outputs.append(None) else: outputs.append(df_sub['ndc11'].tolist()) if single_input: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs] def ndc2name(self, code): ''' Parameters ---------- code: str or list[str] NDC-11 codes. Returns ------- name: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] Drug names. ''' df = self.ndc11_name single_input = isinstance(code, str) if single_input: code = [code] outputs = [] for c in code: df_sub = df[df['ndc11']==c.lower()] if len(df_sub) == 0: outputs.append(None) else: outputs.append(df_sub['drug'].tolist()) if single_input: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs] def atc2name(self, code): ''' Parameters ---------- code: str or list[str] ATC4 codes. Returns ------- names: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] Drug names. ''' df = self.name_atc single_input = isinstance(code, str) if single_input: code = [code] outputs = [] for c in code: df_sub = df[df['atc4']==c] if len(df_sub) == 0: outputs.append(None) else: outputs.append(df_sub['drug'].tolist()) if single_input: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs] def name2atc(self, name): ''' Parameters ---------- name: str or list[str] Drug names. Returns ------- codes: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] ATC4 codes. ''' df = self.name_atc single_input = isinstance(name, str) if single_input: name = [name] outputs = [] for c in name: df_sub = df[df['drug']==c.lower()] if len(df_sub) == 0: outputs.append(None) else: outputs.append(df_sub['atc4'].tolist()) if single_input: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs] def name2smiles(self, name): ''' Parameters ---------- name: str or list[str] Drug names. Returns ------- smiles: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] Drug molecule structures represented by SMILES. ''' df = self.name_smiles single_input = isinstance(name, str) if single_input: name = [name] outputs = [] for c in name: df_sub = df[df['drug']==c.lower()] if len(df_sub) == 0: outputs.append(None) else: outputs.append(df_sub['moldb_smiles'].tolist()) if single_input: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs] def atc2smiles(self, code): ''' Parameters ---------- code: str or list[str] ATC4 codes. Returns ------- smiles: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] Drug molecule structures represented by SMILES. ''' df = self.atc_smiles single_input = isinstance(code, str) if single_input: code = [code] outputs = [] for c in code: df_sub = df[df['atc4']==c] if len(df_sub) == 0: outputs.append(None) else: outputs.append(df_sub['moldb_smiles'].tolist()) if single_input: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
[docs] def ndc2smiles(self, code): ''' Parameters ---------- name: str or list[str] Drug names. Returns ------- smiles: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] Drug molecule structures represented by SMILES. ''' ''' Parameters ---------- code: str or list[str] NDC-11 codes. Returns ------- smiles: list[str] or list[list[str,None]] Drug molecule structures represented by SMILES. ''' df = self.ndc_smiles single_input = isinstance(code, str) if single_input: code = [code] outputs = [] for c in code: df_sub = df[df['ndc11']==c] if len(df_sub) == 0: outputs.append(None) else: outputs.append(df_sub['moldb_smiles'].tolist()) if single_input: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
def _build_ndc_rxcui_atc_map(self): # load ndc_rxcui_atc map csv filename = './resources/rxcui_atc4_ndc11.csv' make_dir_if_not_exist('resources') if not os.path.exists('./resources/rxcui_atc4_ndc11.csv'):, out=filename.replace('.csv','.zip')) f = zipfile.ZipFile(filename.replace('.csv','.zip'),'r') f.extractall('./resources') f.close() print(f'Download RXCUI-NDC-ATC4 mapping file to {filename}.') self.rxcui_atc4_ndc11 = read_csv_to_df(filename, dtype={'ndc11':str, 'rxcui':str}, low_memory=False) def _build_ndc_name_map(self): filename = './resources/ndc_name.csv' make_dir_if_not_exist('resources') if not os.path.exists(filename):, out=filename) print(f'Download NDC-DrugName mapping file to {filename}.') self.ndc11_name = read_csv_to_df(filename, dtype={'ndc11':str, 'DRUG':str}, low_memory=False) self.ndc11_name = self.ndc11_name.applymap(lambda x: x.lower()) def _build_name_smiles(self): filename = './resources/drug_smiles.csv' make_dir_if_not_exist('resources') if not os.path.exists(filename):, out=filename) print(f'Download DrugName-SMILES mapping file to {filename}.') self.name_smiles = read_csv_to_df(filename, dtype={'DRUG':str, 'moldb_smiles':str}, low_memory=False) self.name_smiles['drug'] = self.name_smiles['drug'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) self.name_smiles = self.name_smiles.dropna() def _build_atc_name(self): filename = './resources/atc_drug.csv' make_dir_if_not_exist('resources') if not os.path.exists(filename):, out=filename) print(f'Download DrugName-ATC4 mapping file to {filename}.') self.name_atc = read_csv_to_df(filename, dtype={'DRUG':str, 'atc4':str}, low_memory=False) self.name_atc['drug'] = self.name_atc['drug'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) def _build_atc_ndc_smiles(self): df_name_atc = self.name_atc df_name_smiles = self.name_smiles df = df_name_atc.merge(df_name_smiles, on='drug')[['atc4','moldb_smiles']] self.atc_smiles = df.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) df_ndc_name = self.ndc11_name df = df_ndc_name.merge(df_name_smiles, on='drug').drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) self.ndc_smiles = df[['ndc11','moldb_smiles']]
def convert_ndc10_ndc11(code): ''' Covert NDC 10 digits with hyphens to NDC 11 digits w/o hyphens. Examples -------- 10-Digit Format: on Drug Package 10-Digit Format Example 11-Digit Format 11-Digit Format Example 10-Digit NDC Example 11-Digit Conversion of 10-Digit NDC Example 4-4-2 9999-9999-99 5-4-2 09999-9999-99 0002-7597-01 00002-7597-01 5-3-2 99999-999-99 5-4-2 99999-0999-99 50242-040-62 50242-0040-62 5-4-1 99999-9999-9 5-4-2 99999-9999-09 60574-4114-1 60574-4114-01 ''' s = code.split('-') S = [] for i, L in enumerate([5,4,2]): if len(s[i]) < L: S.append('0'*(L-len(s[i])) + s[i]) else: S.append(s[i]) return ''.join(S) def download_drug_ddi(output_dir='./datasets'): ''' Download the drug-ddi information file to disk. Parameters ---------- output_dir: str The output dir. ''' make_dir_if_not_exist(output_dir) filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'drug-DDI.csv'), out=filename) print(f'Save drug DDI file to {filename}.') def download_drug_bank(output_dir='./datasets'): ''' Download the drug-bank information file to disk. Contains drugnames and drug SMILES molecule strings. Parameters ---------- output_dir: str The output dir. ''' make_dir_if_not_exist(output_dir) filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'drugbank.csv'), out=filename) print(f'Save drug bank file to {filename}.')
[docs]class DrugGraph: ''' Provide tools to get hierarchy of drug by ACT codes. From ATC2 - ATC4 (dont include ATC5) ''' def __init__(self, input_dir='./resources'): filename = os.path.join(input_dir, 'drug_hierarchy.json') if not os.path.exists(filename): self.preprocess(input_dir) with open(filename, 'r') as f: hierarchy = json.loads( self.graph = json_graph.adjacency_graph(hierarchy) print('load drug graph from', filename)
[docs] def preprocess(self, dir='./resources'): ''' Process raw data and deposit the graph data to the local disk. Search `ndc_atc.csv` under the given directory `dir`. If not, download the raw files to the disk and unzip. ''' make_dir_if_not_exist(dir) atctree_file = os.path.join(dir, 'ndc_atc.csv') if not os.path.exists(atctree_file): self._download_ndc_atc_map(dir, atctree_file) atcdef_file = os.path.join(dir, 'atc_def.csv') if not os.path.exists(atcdef_file): self._download_atc_def(dir, atcdef_file) fdandc_file = os.path.join(dir, 'fda_ndc_name.csv') if not os.path.exists(fdandc_file): self._download_fda_ndc_name(dir, fdandc_file) df = read_csv_to_df(atctree_file) df['ndc'] = df['ndc'].apply(lambda x: convert_ndc10_ndc11(x)) df = df.dropna(subset=['atc4']).reset_index(drop=True) df_atcdef = read_csv_to_df(atcdef_file) df_atcdef['atc'] = df_atcdef['class id'].apply(lambda x: x.split('/')[-1]) # TODO: attach ndc code to its name df_ndc = read_csv_to_df(fdandc_file) df_ndc['ndc'] = df_ndc['ndcpackagecode'].apply(lambda x: convert_ndc10_ndc11(x)) df_ndc = df_ndc[['proprietaryname','ndc']] nodes_list = [] for index, row in df_ndc.iterrows(): nodes_list.append( (row['ndc'], {'description':row['proprietaryname']}) ) # add ndc code to the leaf code of G G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes_list) atc4 = df['atc4'].unique() for code in tqdm(atc4): # some drug dont have atc5 code ndc_codes = df[df['atc4'] == code]['ndc'].unique() edges = list(zip([code]*len(ndc_codes), ndc_codes)) G.add_edges_from(edges) # build atc code graph G_atc = self._build_atc_tree(df_atcdef) G = nx.compose(G, G_atc) res = nx.adjacency_data(G, attrs={'key':'description', 'id':'id'}) out_filename = os.path.join(dir, 'drug_hierarchy.json') with open(out_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(res)) print('done, save the drug hierarchy to', out_filename)
def _download_fda_ndc_name(self, dir, fdandc_file): temp_filename = os.path.join(dir, '') if os.path.exists(temp_filename): os.remove(temp_filename), out=temp_filename) f = zipfile.ZipFile(temp_filename,'r') f.extractall(dir) f.close() temp_textname = os.path.join(dir, 'package.txt') temp_textname2 = os.path.join(dir, 'product.txt') df_pack = read_txt_to_df(temp_textname, encoding='cp1252') df_prod = read_txt_to_df(temp_textname2, encoding='cp1252') df = df_pack.merge(df_prod, on='productid') df.to_csv(fdandc_file, index=False) os.remove(temp_filename) os.remove(temp_textname) os.remove(temp_textname2) print("\n Download raw file to", fdandc_file) def _download_ndc_atc_map(self, dir, atctree_file): temp_filename = os.path.join(dir, '') if os.path.exists(temp_filename): os.remove(temp_filename), out=temp_filename) f = zipfile.ZipFile(temp_filename,'r') f.extractall(dir) f.close() temp_csvfilename = os.path.join(dir, 'ndc_map 2020_06_17 (atc5 atc4 ingredients).csv') os.rename(temp_csvfilename, atctree_file) os.remove(temp_filename) print("Download raw file to", atctree_file) def _download_atc_def(self, dir, atcdef_file): temp_filename = os.path.join(dir, '') if os.path.exists(temp_filename): os.remove(temp_filename), out=temp_filename) f = zipfile.ZipFile(temp_filename,'r') f.extractall(dir) f.close() temp_csvfilename = os.path.join(dir, 'ATC.csv') os.rename(temp_csvfilename, atcdef_file) os.remove(temp_filename) print("\n Download raw file to", atcdef_file) def _build_atc_tree(self, df_atcdef): G = nx.DiGraph() df_atc_label = df_atcdef[['atc','preferred label']] df_atc_label = df_atc_label[df_atc_label['atc'].map(len) < 7] nodes_list = [] for index, row in df_atc_label.iterrows(): nodes_list.append( (row['atc'], {'description':row['preferred label']}) ) nodes_list.append(('root', {'description':'Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification'})) G.add_nodes_from(nodes_list) codes = df_atcdef['atc'].unique() codes = pd.Series(codes) atc4 = codes[] atc3 = codes[] atc2 = codes[] atc1 = codes[] for _, code in tqdm(atc3.iteritems()): children = atc4[atc4.apply(lambda x: code == x[:4])] edges = list(zip([code]*len(children), children.tolist())) G.add_edges_from(edges) for _, code in tqdm(atc2.iteritems()): children = atc3[atc3.apply(lambda x: code == x[:3])] edges = list(zip([code]*len(children), children.tolist())) G.add_edges_from(edges) for _, code in tqdm(atc1.iteritems()): children = atc2[atc2.apply(lambda x: code == x[:1])] edges = list(zip([code]*len(children), children.tolist())) G.add_edges_from(edges) edges = list(zip(['root']*len(atc1), atc1)) G.add_edges_from(edges) return G
# if __name__ == '__main__': # download_drug_ddi() # download_drug_bank()