Basic Patient Data Class

PyTrial offers several basic data classes for organizing patient and trial data:

They define the basic structure of the input data and then the convenience for the next model training and predicting. Thus, we use these standard data classes as the inputs for many tasks. Here, we will show two examples for patient data building.

We categorize the input data into two types: tabular and sequential patient data. The former is the data that can be represented as a table: each row is a patient and each column is a feature. The latter is the data that each patient has a sequence of visits, where each visit has multiple features, e.g., events, lab tests, etc.

Patient Data: Tabular

Colab example is available at Example: data.patient_data.TabularPatientBase.

We have for the tabular patient data.

from import TabularPatientBase

Consider we get patient data in pandas.DataFrame format but the raw features are a mixture of texts, numbers, and missing values. We usually need to preprocess the data before passing it to models. TabularPatientBase provides a convenient way to do this.

Let’s first load the raw demo data for creating a TabularPatientBase instance.

# load the raw demo data
from import load_trial_patient_tabular
data = load_trial_patient_tabular()

# parse the raw data
df = data['data']
metadata = data['metadata']

Then, we can pass the raw dataframe to the target data class.

import rdt

# create a TabularPatientBase instance
patient_data = TabularPatientBase(
    df=df, # this contains the raw dataframe
    metadata= {

        'sdtypes': {
            'race': 'categorical',
            'target_label': 'boolean',
            }, # this contains the data types of each column

        'tranformers': {
            'race': rdt.transformers.FrequencyEncoder(),
            }, # this contains the transformers for each column

A list of available data transformers can be found on By default, TabularPatientBase will automatically detect the data types of each column and apply the corresponding transformers, e.g., rdt.transformers.FrequencyEncoder for categorical features, which means you can leave the metadata empty all the time, like this:

# leave the metadata empty and let the class automatically detect the data types and apply transformers
patient_data = TabularPatientBase(df=df)

However, sometimes you may want to customize the data types and transformers in case the automatically detected ones are wrong. That is why in the above example we assign 'race':'categorical' amd 'race': rdt.tranformers.FrequencyEncoder(), which will push the dataclass to follow our custom settings.

Please notice that we are allowed to just pass 'sdtypes' for one column without specifying the corresponding transformer, where the dataclass will pick the default transformer for the passed data type. as the 'target_label':'boolean' in the above example.

We can check the transformed tabular data by

# the transformed values

Besides, we can actually transform the data back to its original format by

# transform the data back to its original format
df_raw = patient_data.reverse_transform()

Or pass another dataframe to the dataclass to be transformed like

# pass another dataframe to the dataclass to be transformed
df_prime_transformed = patient_data.transform(df_prime)

Patient Data: Sequence

Colab example is available at Example: data.patient_data.SequencePatientBase.

We have for the sequential patient data.

from import SequencePatientBase

Load the raw demo data to see how to create a SequencePatientBase instance.

from import load_synthetic_ehr_sequence
data = load_synthetic_ehr_sequence()
dict_keys(['visit', 'feature', 'order', 'n_num_feature', 'y', 'voc', 'cat_cardinalities'])

# the raw visit data
    [[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 41, 313, 1], [0, 1, 82], [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 51, 19, 26]],
    [[0, 1, 10, 69], [1, 4], [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 41, 12, 13, 14, 16, 52, 54, 22, 28]]

# the order
['diag', 'prod', 'med']

# the vocabulary
{'diag': < at 0x7f150c615cd0>,
'prod': < at 0x7f14af789750>,
'med': < at 0x7f14af7b7310>}

In the above example, data['visit'] should be a list of patients, where each patient is a list of visits, where each visit is a list of events. That is, data['visit'][0] is the visits of the first patient, where data['visit'][0][0] is the first visit.

It should be noted that inside data['visit'][0][0] there are three lists, where each list contains several events of the same type, for example, diagnosed diseases represented by ICD codes.

The data['order'] is the order of the events in each visit, which should be the same for all patients. In the above example, data['order'] is ['diag', 'prod', 'med'], which means the first list of data['visit'][0][0] is the diagnosed diseases, and so on.

The data['voc'] contains the vocabularies for each event type. Each voc objective should have the same format as

Once we have the raw data, we can create a SequencePatientBase instance.

# create a ``SequencePatientBase`` instance
seqdata = SequencePatientBase(
    data={'v':data['visit'], 'y':data['y'], 'x':data['feature']},
            'order': data['order'] # need to parse the ``order`` here
        'voc':data['voc'], # need to parse the ``voc`` here

The parameter data contains the raw data including visits, label, and baseline features; the parameter metadata customize the output data format.

Then, we can check the transformed data by

from import DataLoader
from import SeqPatientCollator # we need a collation function to process the input SequencePatient dataset

# let's see the outputs
collate_fn = SeqPatientCollator()
loader = DataLoader(seqdata, batch_size=2, collate_fn=collate_fn, num_workers=0)
loader = iter(loader)
batch = next(loader)
dict_keys(['v', 'x', 'y'])

dict_keys(['diag', 'prod', 'med'])

[[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 41, 313, 1], [0, 1, 10, 69]]

The dataloader returns the visits with keys corresponding to data['order'], i.e., ['diag', 'prod', 'med'] in the above example. batch['v']['diag'][0] is the diagnosis events for the first patient, where there are two visits.