PyTrial API & Pipeline

Table of Contents

As described in Intro 1: Overview of PyTrial, PyTrial maintains a consistent user interface, including common functions like fit, predict, save_model, and load_model. Each task is defined by its input and output data.

Therefore, the general pipeline is as follows, we take a patient-level outcome prediction task as an example:

  1. Prepare the input data for the task.

from import TabularPatientBase
from pytrial.utils.tabular_utils import MinMaxScaler
from pytrial.utils.tabular_utils import read_csv_to_df

# Read the data
df = read_csv_to_df('./tabular_patient_outcome_data.csv', index_col=0)
label = df['target_label']
df = df.drop(['target_label'], axis=1)

# Build the dataset for the specific task
# Here, we are working on individual patient level outcome prediction taking tabular inputs.
dataset = TabularPatientBase(df,
            {'age': MinMaxScaler()}, # specify the data transformation for specific columns
  1. Import the models from the corresponding pytrial.tasks module.

from pytrial.tasks.indiv_outcome.tabular import LogisticRegression

model = LogisticRegression()
  1. Train the model using the fit function.
    'x': dataset,
    'y': label,
  1. Make the prediction using the predict function. And save the model using the save_model function.

# make predictions
ypred = model.predict({'x': dataset})

# save the model

We can see that, except for the first step for data preparation, the rest of the steps are rather straightforward. For the sake of supporting the data preparation, we provide a set of basic dataset classes in the module. We also provide a set of children classes of them for the specific tasks, e.g., and considering the trial-patient matching task.

We will go through each task with concrete examples in the next chapters.